Monday, February 8, 2010

26 Weeks and counting...

As I get ready to go to bed, I have to get on my knees again and thank God that tomorrow Kristen will have reached 26 weeks. It is amazing she has gotten this far. 5 weeks ago she was admitted to the hospital and we thought she wouldn't make it to 22 weeks. Now she is here, the babies are strong, healthy, and kicking (a lot!), and we have to thank God for all of it. As I have told some friends, every day since Kristen went into the hospital, I have felt as if I was an Israelite of old, counting on God to daily bring me my manna. My manna has been waking up to Kristen still holding onto those babies. Amazing God.

But you know what? He would still be a great God if this had not gotten to this point. Like those three dudes in the inferno, Shad, Mech, and Bendi (look up Daniel) said (to paraphrase): Our God will save us from this fire, but even if He doesn't, He is still God. True Dat. It is hard to say and admit sometimes, but it is always true.

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