Saturday, February 6, 2010

25 plus weeks

After getting a bit more interest in this whole "triplet" thing than I thought I would (who knew), and inspired by Kristen's mom, I am starting a blog about all that is going on. Things seem to change daily with Kristen, and this should be a good way to keep many in the loop. I will post as many updates as possible.

As I begin this blog, Kristen is only 25 weeks and 4 days along, but it seems like a ton has happened. At just over 21 weeks, Kristen was admitted to the hospital, and will be here until she gives birth. Through faith, prayer, and bedrest, she has been able to hold these babies inside longer than we thought possible just a couple of weeks ago, and for that we are very thankful.

Kristen is able to do work from the hospital, which is definitely keeping her mind off of being stuck here! This whole wireless and internet age has its upsides, that is for sure. Friends and family have also been able to visit pretty regularly, which has been great.

I have been living the life lately, going back and forth to the hospital so that I can be here about 5 times a week (besides weekends, I am here on Tuesday and Thursday evenings to hang out and, you know, watch American Idol and The Office with her!). The drive is pretty long, but worth it as we are able to spend some time together and make it feel somewhat normal.

As for the babies, they are doing GREAT! The continue to grow and remain very active (much to Kristen's chagrin!). With three in there, a lot of activity tends to make Kristen not feel so well. Who KNEW?! It is pretty cool, thought to see them all moving around. It looks like tides coming up to shore at the ocean with all the activity! Her stomach is a big wave sometimes. Hopefully they continue to hang out in their happy spot for a few more weeks. We are still working on names for these little people, but hopefully narrow it down soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!!! This is wonderful to be able to stay totally up to date ... Love to ALL of you! Went to SF Giants Fan Fest today ... bring on Opening Day !!
