Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all have enjoyed your holidays and rung in the new year in style last night. Us? We ate some Chinese and watched Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and, ironically, fell asleep. We were and are still exhausted from our whirlwind trip to Atlanta with the crew for Christmas and got back here on Thursday afternoon.
Overall, the trip was a huge success, including the flights. We were actually able to make it work pretty well, thanks in no small part to having Kristen's mom Linda with us to take care of one of the babies. I meant to take pictures of the whole plane ride, but as you can imagine, I had my hands full. Some of the highlights of the trip (goods and bads):
-We found out it was a good idea to actually arrive 2.5 hours early to due unexpected diaper blowouts.
-TSA......wasn't too bad. A bit slow in Seattle but overall very helpful for us (probably because the boys and I showed up in just diapers and skivvies, respectively).
-The trio are pretty good sports about everything. Be it getting up way early to staying in strange places, they do pretty well.
-Kristen was able to sit next to a guy who looked like my brother circa 2006 (shaggy hair and beard) on the plane ride out. Chloe had the guy freaked out; he didn't know what to make of her. At one point, she screamed (usual, not mad, just Chloe) and the guy, who had just dozed off, almost hit his head on the overhead due to jumping out of his skin. Needless to say, he was pretty happy to get off the plane.
-On the first plane ride, we sat down and a guy immediately dinged one of the flight attendants and wanted a new seat. "There are just so many babies around here." He then looked back at me and said, "No offense, they look like great kids." I said, "Uh, huh." He then looks at all three and says, "So you have twins, eh?" I look at all three, look at him and say, "Yep, all three are twins!" He leaves.
-The flight attendants on both flights had a blast with all three and were a huge help. They wanted to hold all of them, which was cool. I think Jackson (flight time MVP) came away with a few phone numbers.
-I got to deal with many diaper blow outs on the planes. No fun! Lucas successfully peed on a wall in the bathroom (true) and Jackson kicked his dirty diaper all over the floor (true). Don't worry, I cleaned up everything with soap and water, boxing the little human beings onto the changing table with my butt. Oh, and you can not get poop out of clothes with baby wipes and hand sanitizer. Found that out, much to Kristen's discontent!
Again, overall, it was a great trip. Saw a lot of family who hadn't met the three and also a lot of friends who hadn't. Kristen's family hosted an open house for many friends who came over. Very cool to see a lot of people who have been praying for us for a year now for these three.
Hopefully we can get some rest and get back to normal around here. Looks like an excited year is ahead for us. Hope it is for you too! And if you want to see more pictures, I'll upload a few more to my FB account.
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